
2023年2月14日—Othervariationsincludeattached,pleasefind,”pleasekindlyfindtheattachedfile,”pleasefindtheattachedfileforyourreference,” ...,2018年4月20日—Jane的部門來了新同事,這同事的英文看似專業,寫的Email既長又多,Jane以為她的美國老闆以後一定會更願意和新同事溝通,因為其他人英文沒那麼好。,2013年2月3日—附件常用的語句:.a.“Pleaseseetheattachedfile/attachmentforyourreview/reference.”b.,formaldocu...

20 Less Annoying Synonyms and Alternatives to "Please ...

2023年2月14日 — Other variations include attached, please find,” please kindly find the attached file,” please find the attached file for your reference,” ...

Attached please find….Email不再用過時的字眼了

2018年4月20日 — Jane的部門來了新同事,這同事的英文看似專業,寫的Email既長又多,Jane以為她的美國老闆以後一定會更願意和新同事溝通,因為其他人英文沒那麼好。


2013年2月3日 — 附件常用的語句:. a. “Please see the attached file / attachment for your review / reference.” b.

is attached for reference - 英中

formal document is attached for members' reference (Appendix A). 現隨文附上政府當局的覆函及 ...

Is it correct to say, 'Please find attached for your reference'?

2020年3月10日 — Yes, the phrase Please find attached for your reference is grammatically correct and commonly used in formal or professional correspondence.

「Attached please find…」:在寫英語商務e

2018年9月4日 — ... Attached is the proposal.” 或“Attached are the recipients.” 就好 ... For your reference, this is a list of the products.” 這句話,其實 ...

【電郵收發】Attach與Enclose有何分別?「見附件」點表達?必 ...

2020年12月4日 — Enclosed is my resume for your reference. ... Attached is my CV for your reference. • I'm ... The attached file is the document that you requested.


2016年3月22日 — 例句:Please refer to the attached file. ... for your reference則是指,xxx東西給你參考,放在句末。 例句:Kindly find the attached pictures and ...


The attached files include the photos taken last weekend. 附件檔包含上週末拍攝的照片。 I have attached the spreadsheet in this email for your reference. 我已將 ...


現在大家更愛用I'm attaching、I've attached,或直接用Attached is…。 Attached please find the following receipt. → Attached is the receipt.(附上收據). 3.